Tag: chilies

Hot Garlic Dill Pickles Heat Up

Hot garlic dill pickles have become an obsession. I use the same tried-and-true recipe with minor variations at times.  This small personal batch has been slightly perverted with the addition of the powdered cayenne being introduced directly to the jar and not in the vinegar solution.  Also, I added ghost peppers, scorpion peppers, habanero, big hot chilies, and tabasco peppers to the jar in addition to the usual cayenne  pepper flakes.  I have said in the past that “you can’t really get them too hot..”, but in the case of this run, I may change that statement.

I carefully chose the nicest peppers out of my dried collection from the garden.  Most of these are for cooking only.  They are really too hot to eat alone.  However, in the case of this fresh pack pickle batch, they will be working in a “hybrid” culinary culture.  They won’t be eaten. They will be infused with the cucumbers along with the dill and garlic.

In a few days, I’ll cool these down in the fridge and try a few out.  I’m excited to see if they are going to be as hot as I suspect they’ll be. Holy Hell Batman!!