About Me: Go East, Young Man…

May 19, 2011.

If you know who I am, or the adventure I’m about to embark on for the next two years, you might call me overly cavalier, which is fair. Cavalier is a great synonym for stupid. My name is Steve—Steve McDonald—and at this fleeting moment, I am a disappointed, twenty-three year old waiter at a chintzy, godforsaken restaurant. Having recently received a hard-earned college degree in ~**~*arts~*~**~ (laugh, cry), I’ve come to a terrifying realization—a realization that most post-grads experience after being unscrupulously dropped into the horrors of “the real world.” That is: I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing with my life, and I’m shaking in my Converse. I guess I had always just expected something big to happen to me upon stepping through the grand archway of adulthood. But instead of Warner Bros swooping down from the heavens and whisking me off to fortunes and fame, I’m just kind of sitting here, on a degree, feeling as though Manifest Destiny has been foisted down my throat. It’s a cold feeling when you realize the apex of your professional responsibilities is serving Cape Cod Reubens and Wildberry Lemonades to the cantankerous senior-set. Sure, I have hopes and dreams, but mostly I just bring people extra ketchup.

I’m about to change all that, however. I’m about to do something momentous. Daring. Exhilarating.

You might even say, cavalier…

I can think of some other exciting words that suit me: Reckless. Irresponsible. Unspeakably good-looking. Bankrupt of any sense of reality. For all I know, this grand adventure that I, and hopefully you, are about to embark on could quite possibly end with me sprawled face down in some goat cave in Pakistan, sobbing like Nancy Kerrigan as a mob of Taliban zealots sodomize every orifice on my body to the tune of the Star Spangled Banner.  All of which is liable to be broadcasted on your local news. Alas, I’ve been lusting for adventure since I was little, sitting under the covers late at night, leafing through National Geographic like travel porn. I’ll be damned if anything stops me now.

I grew up, and still live in the gentrified, vanilla suburbs of Massachusetts, much to my dismay. And in February, 2012, I will quit my job, don a backpack, and correct the situation indefinitely. This website is the story of my hobofication.

My mission: To backpack across Asia, from Mumbai to Manila, alone, over the course of two years. There will be no plans, no reservations. Just a backpack. My trail starts in India, before winding up through tumultuous Pakistan to the frozen heights of Tibet, then big, red China, followed by Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Borneo, Brunei, and ending in the turquoise archipelago of the Philippines.

This blog is a story about a guy who packed a backpack and left everything he knew behind for two years. This is my ode to life, my manifesto to location independence, and my Motorcycle Diaries or Eat, Pray, Love, albeit with more explosive diarrhea, scamming, and animal attacks. Want to come along? Of course you do! You’re just sitting on your ass, trawling Facebook.

Join the adventure by clicking the “Follow Me” button, or the “Like” button on the Facebook widget in the sidebar to your right. I hope to see you soon.

Go on. Click the button. Right now. I’m watching you. Just do it. Do it. Click the button. I love you.

For any newcomers, I recommend you read this next, the genesis of this site, the very first post: Stepping Off The Edge

In the darkness, I could feel my heart pounding. I had been lying in bed for over an hour, staring up at the ceiling of my hotel room, fighting to breathe against the… (read more from “Stepping off the Edge”)


Catch up with the adventure! To see a comprehensive index of travel stories (complete with summaries and sorted by country), mosey on over to the “Travel Stories Index” tab at the top of the page.

For tips and tricks to living like a filthy hobo and traveling on the cheap, immerse yourself in “Backpackology 101,”on the menu bar above.

A picture’s worth a thousand words!! And you’re too lazy to read! Head on over to the “Photo Travelogues” page for pretty pictures and fun videos.

For an intimate break-down of everything that’s in my backpack, plus my “Ultimate Packing List,” click the “What’s In My Bindle?” tab above.

Lastly, to follow my current whereabouts, behold the (somewhat) realtime map on the “Where’s Steve Now?” page.

79 thoughts on “About Me: Go East, Young Man…

  1. I am so stealing your follow me request! and alright alright, I am following you! P.s If you are still in hyderabad you should definitely try the butter chicken in Kholanis’. It’s located in Banjara hills and Abids 🙂 I swear it’s the best ever in the world!


      And alas, I’m no longer in Hyderabad… I would have looooved to have gone to one of the restaurants in Abids or Banjara Hills, but that would have involved braving a knife fight, as both places were heavily guarded by police and under curfew from riots. The love for biryani overcomes all, however… Thanks for reading haha, I appreciate it!

  2. This About page is awesome on so many levels. Kudos for being one of the sanest people out there! I’m so happy you put the Philippines on that list, although my advise would be is to not linger long in Manila, hop immediately to one of the islands, like Palawan, Cebu or Bohol (c’mon, we have 7,107 islands, pick one of the nice ones 🙂 )

  3. No, no, no. This is a some flimflam. An art guy(with an art degree even, the worst kind!) going about traveling or photoing and being a general nuisance!? ridiculous. Don’t you know there’s a burger and fries to be packed somewhere? Where’s you priorities?
    Seriously though, looks like you’re having a great time. How in the hell are you affording all this though, being ‘between jobs’ so to speak?

  4. That’s lot of backpacking!! The region you pick is one of the most vibrant & diverse too (you must have known by now). You blog is full of interesting travel stories form the regions, some very interesting, some very funny & some I may not agree as I have seen the region extensively with a different perspective.
    And finally, I must admit I envy you for having this luxury of two years of backpacking! While at it see it for all of us & capture it in lens & thoughts & share it with us.

  5. Honestly, I follow very few blogs (I think I’m currently following 8 or so?), but as soon as I started reading yours, I was hooked!

    You’re hilarious, and you trek into lands that very few Westerners would dare go…and I love it. 🙂

  6. Very nice to “meet” you! I haven’t backpacked in a long time, but it is always such a pleasure to stumble upon a blog about someone else doing it! Lovely little nook you have here – looking forward to reading more about your adventures!

  7. This is wonderful! Can’t wait to follow your journey. I’ve only been to a few of the places you are stopping, but I can’t wait to see the photos and read the funny things that happen along the way. Life is all about the journey 🙂

  8. I commend you for doing what your doing. Oh what I do to have this adventure! Thank you for your recent visit to my blog. Come by anytime. I don’t think my life is as exciting as yours. I just try to live day-by-day but hoping one day my health allows me to travel the world. Probably not with just a back pack because it would all consist of all my medications. I would have no room for anything else. Anyhow, I’m excited to follow along your journey. Can’t wait till you make it the Philippines.

    1. Thanks! And your life is just as interesting. You’re fighting a battle that’s courageous and inspiring. I hope you make it to Michigan, and then one day, hopefully, the Philippines! Do you have family there?

      1. Thank you for your compliment! Life period is an interesting thing isn’t it~ I’m thinking to go to the Philippines in the next year or so. As long as I keep getting better at this point. I have lots of family I never met there including a brother that I just found out about. Thanks about Michigan, it looks like everything is heading that way for us~

  9. i don’t think u r stupid or anything bad that you have said about yourself. u r a college grad who hasn’t found his nitch in life yet, but will. you have taken a risk that a lot of us wish we could but fear the future. you are exploring life and learning more about yourself and where you will be able to fit in. in time you will b very successful with a great career. some lucky boss will snap you up for your experiences and expertise!

      1. i understood that it was, in the way you wrote it. you are going to go places. i can already tell by what i have learned already about you!!! i am glad i have run across your blog

    1. Hahaha awesome, thanks man!! And I had a pretty good laugh at your neighbor who chopped the tree down, but still left a good portion of the trunk, out of what I hope is spite. (Unless he just doesn’t know how to chop own a tree). Thanks for the shout out, and love your rebellious campaign. Hope the store event goes good, and that you don’t stick it to yourself too hard!

  10. Your a brave and crazy guy. I love your writing and sense of humor (in your photos, too). Keep it up and keep safe. And, if you ever head to South America, read some more of my blog.

  11. Hey Steve, the reward for doing good work is being noticed, and the price for being noticed is being nominated for Awards.

    In your case, I thought the Kreativ Blogger would fit you just fine. The colour, in particular will suit your current situation very well. You’ve gotta be in it to spread the joy (and your blog’s reach). Do play, people will just love to read what you have to say. Having said that, if you can’t find the time, that’s fine, but pop over to https://thewanderlustgene.wordpress.com/2012/05/31/confessions-awards-and-the-atlas-game/ and see what it’s all about.


    1. Thanks man!! I’m fully intending to join in the award-giving game as soon as I find the time! I’m in a bit of a crazy phase at the moment, and spent most of yesterday being interrogate by CIA agents (!!!) so when I find the time to frolic about on WordPress, I shall with enthusiasm!! Thanks again for the nomination!! The encouragement means a lot!

      1. I hope you didn’t tell your mother! Hey, I guess you’re laughing about it now … It’s so refreshing to be along with your ride. The world was a little different back in my day, but our adventures have so much in common I can almost smell the scenes sometimes. See you when you get to a city somewhere to do your laundry:)

        1. I’m actually doing laundry today, ironically. I was detained and deported by the police back to Lahore, after I wandered into a restricted zone to see an ancient, crumbling Sufi shrine. I’m looking at the washer machine now. It looks exciting and foreign.
          And thank you for your words, and thank you for sharing YOUR wonderful travels!

  12. Go Steve! Enjoy and share your travels while you can for the day may come when you can no longer do it… Thanks for stopping by my blog. Catch ya later in BlogLand! :):):) Sandra

  13. Hi Steve, Thanks for stopping by and liking my post. I think our western lives certainly have too much stuff and excess in them. If all you have can fit in a backpack, why -before- did it need to be spread out to fill up a house?
    Happy travels. I will come back to check on you. 😉

  14. Thanks for stopping by my blog and I’m glad I found your blog. Travelling around Asia does sound really cool and adventurous . If you ever get the chance do visit South India. It is wonderfully weird and awesome ! 🙂 Kudos !

  15. Greetings from Cape Town 🙂 I love your stories. Wish I could backpack through Asia. Good luck with everything. I can’t wait to read more! 😀

  16. Steve, I was wondering how you make your titles and images? They always look fantastic. I’m particularly curious about the map you use though.


  17. Hey dude, great blog. Think it’s fair to say that a quarter life crisis is standard procedure for our generation. India and S.E. Asia in incredible. I miss it so much and can’t wait to save enough to get back there! Wish I could pack a bag and leave now! Instead having to find some solice in London town (hence my own blog!) and I just have to live vicariously through lovely people like you who bring me adventures into the tedium of my daily office grind. lol. Stop by sometime if you fancy. Travel safe. Peace x

    1. Thanks!! I’m obsessed with India, but have yet to hit up SE Asia. I’ll be heading south in January. Looking forward to it!! I didn’t see a travel tag on your blog (which I enjoyed!) but did you do a post about SE asia? Is there any places you could recommend??

      Enjoy London! You live in a great, great city. And I’m sure you’ll be back in Asia sooner than you know!

      Thanks for reading and all the best!!

  18. holy, whatta grand adventure! take me with yah! ok i might just sit here and read on your travels. im still studying but someday, ill be on an adventure too! cheers.

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