Contact Me

Seeing as I change location every few days and don’t have a tangible address or cell phone, I guess this page is a little unnecessary. Nonetheless, you can send me your questions, comments, and job offers via

And I suppose you can follow me on twitter at @backpackistan, though I still don’t understand what purpose Twitter is supposed to serve. If you think you can explain it to me, please email me at:


26 thoughts on “Contact Me

  1. I love your Blog!
    Stay safe and come back in one, intact, piece for your mother’s sake. Which will lead to- my sake as well.


  2. Steven, I always told your mom to have faith…you were going to do something great in your life. You are a unique individual. I don’t know where this will lead, but I wish you the greatest success in all you do!
    Mrs. Geraghty

  3. Steven,
    You forgot to clean your room and take out the trash before you left. Where are you anyways? We’ll leave the lights on.

  4. Hi Steve, I miss you on monday nights, it’s just not the same. Be safe and of course have a great time!!!

    Love Michelle

  5. Steve,
    You are a fabulous writer. Your story on The Human Zoo was very insightful. I look forward to reading more of your stuff. Your parent’s are coming to our house in two weeks, wish you could come, too. Keep on writing. You are truly gifted.
    Deanne Price

  6. Steven, I sure wish I was young enough to travel some with you . However I am really enjoying my travel through your eyes. Stay safe and keep on writing yu are so talented. I love your pictures . Keep you blog coming. I hope you get a lot of followers.

  7. I envy you steve! I’ve always admired your fun-loving attitude and passion for travel! Your blog rocks and I’m so glad I found it on facebook! Needless to say, I’ll be keeping tabs on your whereabouts now and passing on your travel stories to anyone/everyone I can! How do I send you money?? I look forward to reading about your ventures and want to keep reading them so let me send you some dough to help you help me! Keep up the awesomeness homie and stay safe out there!!

    1. RYANNN! Hahahaha thanks! I MISS BOBBYS! And I’m glad you’re enjoying the stories, thanks for reading!!

      And I’m in no need for money (yet, haha)! While I do plan on opening up to advertisers and donations down the road, that won’t be for another couple months. But thanks for the offer, I really appreciate it!!

      In the meantime, you can eat a CC Reuben for me. Do it. They haunt my dreams.

      Salaam from Pakistan,

  8. So, thought you should know, you are now a personal hero of mine after reading every post, its really refreshing to find a honesty and hilarious blog!

  9. Hello, Steve. I’m the author of The Paris Wife (about Ernest Hemingway’s first marriage and early years in Pars), and met your mom last month in Winter Park. She was lovely and told me she calls you her little Ernest! Anyway, just wanted to say hello and to wish you well on your writing!

    Best wishes,
    Paula McLain

    1. Wow, thanks for your words! I’m a huge fan! Love your writing style!

      And she only started calling me that after reading your book.

      I appreciate the support, and I look forward to whichever project you might be working on now!

      All the best,

  10. If you ever get time, I would LOVE a article about how you keep your camera, because you take some great photos, and after seeing the rest of hyperabad, I’m amazed (and thankful) that in not a single photo on this site, there is not a single picture with a dusty or dirty sensor lol Its been a month and I still check your posts daily! I find your style humorous but relate-able, and is actually really helping me stay focused on saving up to embark on my own little journey through South America.
    Stay safe and hope the train ride back is safe and a little less crazy!

    1. Thanks Brad! I appreciate you reading! The train ride was possibly even more crazy, but I’ve survived (barely). As for maintaining my camera–I wish I had some clever secret to share with you, but for this trip, I’m just using a Canon G12, which has a fixed lens so there’s not too much maintenance to be done. Even though a fixed lens has its limitations, I absolutely love my G12. Its light and compact, and thus much easier to travel with than an SLR. But it takes comparable quality photos, and I never have to worry about keeping track of lenses or filters. It’s also a lot less conspicuous, so I can photograph in places that I wouldn’t feel comfortable whipping out a telephoto lens (like slums, or the train, or sights that forbid photography). I always keep it in a padded, water-proof shoulder bag, and bring a cleaning kit with me and polish the lens occasionally. But other than that, all credit is due to proper lighting and the magic of Canon lenses.

      Thanks again for reading! And all the best with saving for your trip (a topic which I could easily write an article about, and I might just now…)


      1. Cool!
        I look forward to your blog about budgeting, that will be a huge help!

        I was extremely shocked about your camera, really shows that its who is behind it instead of the equipment! Everyone from my photography club is in love with your site, your writing is almost as illuminating as your pictures!

        If you ever get bored and want to do a Indian food for dummies post…lol your post the other day made me look and find a few culture restaurants in my city that I didnt even knew existed. Its been a curry filled week trying anything possible thanks to you!

        Keep safe, I’m looking forward to hearing about pakistan!

        1. Thanks Brad!! I think composition is just as important as image quality – and it doesn’t hurt to have a subject as photogenic as India (it almost does all the work for me).

          And I really appreciate you sharing the site too! It means a lot. And accordingly, I’m sure an article on Indian food can be arranged… 🙂

          Enjoy your curry!!

  11. hi dear dr fahad here the dentist that met u in kalash well saw some of the snaps they r gr8 well iam bk to home swat i mean n just wantd to remind u about the snaps which u told me that u r gna send to me iam waiting for ur reply whenever u got a chance and internet lols.

  12. steve. i have been reading your blog for a bit. how did you get started? i want to travel. i want to see the world, and i would be willing to be homeless and drift from town to town to do so. I wouldnt mind avoiding it, but anyway. i am resourceful and have a good head on my shoulders and i know there is a lot to it. Any tips? Email if you get a chance. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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