Author: Tom Warner

“Get Down” Brown Ale – All Grain Recipe

BROWN ALE (All Grain)

Roasted malt, caramel-like and chocolate-like characters should be of medium intensity in both flavor and aroma. American-style brown ales have evident low to medium hop flavor and aroma and medium to high hop bitterness. The history of this style dates back to U.S. home brewers who were inspired by English-style brown ales and porters. It sits in flavor between those British styles and is more bitter than both.

9.5 lbs 2 Row
0.5 lbs. Chocolate 375 Lovibond Medium
1.00 lbs. Crystal 120 (Briess)
0.5 lbs. Aromatic Malt (Castle)

1.5 oz. Fuggle Hops (60 min)
(Save .5 oz for final 10 minutes)

YEAST: WLP001 California Ale

Saccharine Rest: 154° F for 60 minutes
Mash-out: 170° F for 10 minutes
1.5 oz. US Fuggle (at hot break)

O.G: 1.044-1.053 (actual 1.047)

Suggested fermentation schedule:
2-3 weeks primary fermenter or 2 weeks primary and 1 week after racking to secondary
2 weeks bottle conditioning

The “Original” BBQ Sauce Recipe

Salsa de Barbacoa

(Original Spanish BBQ Sauce brought to Mexico from Spain)

1/2 Cup of Fresh Lime Juice
2 Cloves Finely Minced Garlic
Chop up 1 Large Onion
1/4 LB Butter
2 Teaspoons Dry Mustard
1/4 Teaspoon Salt
2 Tablespoons Chili Powder
1 Can Tomato Sauce
1/2 Cup Water
Bay Leaf
1/4 Teaspoon Cumin Powder
1/4 Teaspoon Marjoram Powder

1. Place Butter, Garlic, and Onion in pan and cook until tender
2. Add Lime Juice, Mustard, Salt, and Chili Powder
3. Add the Tomato Sauce, Water, broken Bay Leaf, Cumin, and Marjoram
4. Simmer for 5 minutes

This sauce can’t be easily verified, but regardless, it is still a very good sauce.


An Orchestra of Spices from Around the Globe


These spice groupings go well together and provide a framework to make improvised dishes. The groups represented here are basic, Indian, Middle Eastern, Asian, and Latin. These various spice groupings will turn simple rice and bean dishes, soups, or stews into flavorful meals.


sauteed onion
pepper lemon juice

olive oil
canola oil
peanut oil


bay leaf
brown mustard seeds
fresh or dried chilis

peanut oil


lemon juice
bay leaf
red wine vinegar
balsamic vinegar

olive oil


black pepper
bay leaf


soy sauce (tamari, shoyu)
rice or wine vinegar
Chinese five spice
chiles fresh or dried
black bean garlic sauce

sesame oil
peanut oil


chilies (a variety)

Smoky Hot Honey BBQ Sauce


1 Tbl Vegetable Oil
1/2 C Finely Minced Onion
1- 8 Oz Can Tomato Sauce
1/2 C Honey
2 Tbl Cider Vinegar
1 Clove Finely Minced Garlic
1 Tbl Worcestershire Sauce
1/4 Tsp Ground Cayenne
1/4 Tsp Black Pepper
1/2 Chopped Smoked Ghost Pepper (Minced Very Fine – Use Gloves to Mince)


1. Heat oil in medium skillet. Add onion and garlic and sute on medium-high heat until onion is transparent.
2. Add remaining ingredients and simmer for 5 minutes
3. Remove from heat

Makes 1 Cup

Cassoulet -Casserole Recipe from the South of France

This recipe originating from the south of France, is a combination of beans, smoked sausage, and vegetables that takes no special ingredients and tastes delicious!


  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 2 carrots, diced
  • 2 stalks celery, diced
  • 1 small onion, diced
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped
  • ½ pound smoked sausage, sliced
  • 1 15-oz can of rinsed and dried kidney beans
  • 1 15-oz can of rinsed and dried white kidney beans (or Navy beans)
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 14.5-oz can of diced tomatoes
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley

When you begin, heat the oil in a large skillet, add the carrots, celery, onion and garlic, then cook and stir for a few minutes until your onion is transparent. Next, add the sausage into the skillet and cook through until the meat has turned a golden brown.

Add the beans and tomatoes, and use the bay leaves, thyme, salt and pepper as seasonings. Cover the top of the pan and simmer for approximately 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Once everything is fully simmered, remove the bay leaves. Pair with a fresh salad and bread.

Tips Learned During the Great Depression

1. BUY LESS – Spending creates more spending. Sometimes it feels like the more you buy, the more you need. Spending less stops this cycle.

2. MAKE DO – flip side of buying less is to make do with what you have. That means getting creative with what you have already.

3. DIY – We’ve lost a lot of the skills we used to have. DIYing is a great way to gain back those skills. Learn to lay tiles or pavers, paint, hang pictures or doors.

4. MAKE YOUR OWN – Need a new table, bench, or set of shelves? Try your hand at making your own. Improvising for purpose also helps save money and creates utility.

5. REPAIR – It’s too easy (and often cheaper, unfortunately) to toss what’s broken and buy a new one. But if you can, repair instead of replace. It reduces landfill, which is also an important consideration.

6. MAINTAIN WHAT YOU HAVE – One of the most important ways to save money is to maintain what you own so that it lasts as long as possible. A maintenance schedule helps you keep track of maintenance tasks.

7. REPURPOSE REUSE –  In the past, nothing was thrown away, everything had a second or even third life. Bread bags can be used as freezer bags or garbage bags. Old clothes can use cut down into new clothes or used in quilting or in cut into rags (saving the buttons and zips of course). Containers, jars and boxes can be repurposed for storage.

8. DITCH DISPOSABLES – On the other hand, the first ‘R’ in the maxim is reduce, so it’s better to avoid than reuse or repurpose. Disposables force you to spend money on the same thing week in, week out. Reusable alternatives means you have a once of payment, saving you money over the years.

9. MEND CLOTHING – and make it last as long as possible.

10. SEW YOUR OWN – and if you make your own clothing, linen, bedspreads etc., you’ll be more likely to want to make it last as long as possible after putting in all that work.

11. BUY SECOND HAND – and save you money, reduce consumption and keep things out of landfill.

12. WEAR AN APRON – an apron will protect your clothes from stains, helping them to last longer.

13. LEARN A HANDICRAFT OR MORE – handicrafts make useful hobbies. Avoid boredom and end up with something useful as an end product.

14. INCLUDE HOME REMEDIES – I’m not against modern medicine, it’s a wonderful thing and we use it a lot. But there’s a place for home remedies too, and they can be just as effective as modern medicine or compliment modern medicine when it comes to symptoms management.

15. CLEAN NATURALLY – Natural, homemade cleaners are usually just as effective as chemical cleaners, but they are cheaper and reduce the toxic load in the home.

16. USE A HOT WATER BOTTLE – a cheaper way to warm the bed and stay warm in winter.

17. PUT ON A JUMPER – layer layer layer before turning on the heat.

18. SPEND MORE TIME OUTSIDE – too hot inside? Take your inside work outside and enjoy a cool breeze in the shade.

19. HAND WASH – rather than relying on the washing machine all the time.

20. WEAR CLOTHES MORE THAN ONCE – if the clothes aren’t dirty, wear them again before washing and reduce the number of washes you do.

21. WEEKLY WASH DAY – having a weekly wash day may seem a bit out-dated, but in a time when people wash towels and clothes every single day washing things like towels and linen weekly instead of daily will reduce your number of washes.

22. HANG CLOTHES TO DRY – instead of using the dryer. Raining? Here are some ways to dry clothes without a dryer.

23. BAKE WHEN THE OVEN IS ON – make the most of the oven and throw in a slice or some bickies while you’re baking something else.

24. HAVE A BAKING DAY – Ever read old books and they’ve always got a chocolate cake or some bickies in a tin in the pantry. That’s thanks to the weekly bake day. We have the benefit of being able to freeze our baking for later.

25. PRESERVE – Freeze fruit and vegetables or make jams and other preserves so that today’s harvest doesn’t go to waste and you can make the most of it out of season.

26. SAVE GREASE – and cook your food in the saved fat. Potatoes fried in bacon fat – cheap and delicious.

27. HAND WASH DISHES – washing in a dishwasher saves you water, but it can cost you a fortune in electricity. Instead, hand wash dishes in minimal water to save.

28. FORAGE – an almost forgotten skill, feed yourself for free with plants that grow around your neighbourhood (not the neighbours veggie patch, though). Just make sure you know how to identify plants before eating them.

29. SCRAPE THE LAST FROM THE JAR – a small rubber spatula is the perfect tool for this. Making jam milkshakes with the last bit in the jar is another alternative.

30. HAND MIX – or grate or chop. Use manpower and save.

31. COOK FROM SCRATCH – and eat healthy food that’s cheaper than processed and packaged food.

32. HEAD TO TAIL EATING – The most nutritious part of an animal is the organ meat and it’s cheap, but it’s rarely eaten. In the past, no part of the animal go wasted – from sheep’s head stew to making stock from the bones and sausages from the intestines.

33. DON’T BUY WHAT YOU CAN MAKE – yoghurt is a good example of this. It’s easy to make at home and costs a fraction of the price of store-bought.

34.MAKE SOAP – most soap from the supermarket is stripped of glycerine (the good stuff for your skin) and includes chemicals. Make your own better quality soap. If you use scraps, it will cost you next to nothing.

35. DRY YOUR SOAPS – Soap, whether hand made or purchased, will last longer if it has been dried. Place your soap in your clothes cupboard to dry out, give your clothes a nice smell and to ward of silverfish.

36. REUSE WRAPPING PAPER AND CARDS AND SCRAP PAPER – back to waste nothing. Save on wrapping presents by keeping and reusing wrapping paper and cards. Use junk mail as scrap paper and envelopes for the shopping list.

37. CURL YOUR HAIR WITH RAGS – instead of using a curling iron and save electricity.

38. SQUEEZE OUT THE LAST OF THE TOOTHPASTE – by rolling the tube to use up every last drop. Use a q-tip to get out the last of the lipstick. Cut open the shampoo bottle or add water to use the last drop of shampoo.

39. FLUSH LESS – If it’s yellow, let it mellow, if it’s brown flush it down. Do I need to say more? A brick or a bottle of water in an old fashioned toilet will reduce the amount of water per flush, but if you have a modern toilet, this probably isn’t necessary.

40 SHOWER LESS – eww right? But why shower on days that you’ve spent all day lounging around at home? People haven’t always had (or needed) the luxury of showering every day. A sponge bath will save water and is sufficient to get clean on many days.

41. REUSABLE FEMALE HYGIENE PRODUCTS – thanks to modern updates, this doesn’t mean using rags every month. The Mooncup, for instance, is a better, healthier, more convenient alternative to disposable products and it saves you money.

42. USE THE LOCAL LIBRARY – the local library has so much more than just books. Watch DVDs, use the computers, borrow puzzles and board games, listen to music. And most importantly, use the books to learn new skills.

43. ENTERTAIN YOURSELF IN USEFUL WAYS – Useful hobbies like gardening, sewing, handicraft, woodwork, tinkering, DIY etc. will not only keep you entertained, they will make you happier and save you money.

44. FREE ENTERTAINMENT – Instead of spending time at the shops, cafes, theme parks or even in front of the TV or Xbox, frugal entertainment includes hanging with friends, picnics at the park, a day at the beach, playing board games, reading, telling stories.

45. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT – Getting involved in your local community is a great way to meet new people, be happier, give back to the community and enjoy yourself at the same time, without spending money.

46. GROW YOUR OWN FOOD – Even just a few herbs on a windowsill is a good start towards supplementing your budget with your own fresh produce. Organic food comes at a premium, but home grown organic food will save you money.

47. COMPOST – In the spirit of waste not, composting scraps to add to your veggie garden is the ultimate in recycling and saving money.

Cajun Style Beans and Rice Recipe

Servings: 6-8


1 pound pinto beans
Kosher salt
1 tablespoon (vegetable oil)
1 pound cooked andouille sausage, cut into 1/2-inch slices
(alternately use other sausages like Kielbasa)
1 large onion, finely chopped (about 12 ounces)
1 green bell pepper, stemmed, seeded, and finely chopped (about 8 ounces)
4 ribs celery, finely chopped (about 8 ounces)
4 medium cloves garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon ground cayenne pepper (depending on how hot you like it)
1 teaspoon ground sage
1 teaspoon Cajun seasoning
Freshly ground black pepper
1 smoked ham hock (optional)
4 sprigs fresh thyme
3 bay leaves

Hot sauce to taste
Cider vinegar, to taste (optional)

Cooked white rice, for serving


  1. Place beans in a large bowl and cover with 6 cups (1.5L) cold water. Add 2 tablespoons (30g) kosher salt and stir until dissolved. Set aside at room temperature for 8 to 16 hours. Drain and rinse.
  2. In a large pot, heat oil over medium-high heat until oil shimmers.
  3. Add andouille sausage and cook, stirring, until lightly browned, about 5 minutes.
  4. Add onion, bell pepper, and celery.
  5. Season with salt and cook, stirring, until vegetables have softened and are just starting to brown around the edges, about 8 minutes.
  6. Add garlic and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 45 seconds.
  7. Add cayenne pepper, sage, and a generous 10 to 12 grinds of fresh black pepper.
  8. Cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 30 seconds.
  9. Add beans, along with enough water to cover by about 2 inches (roughly 6 to 8 cups), ham hock (if using), thyme, and bay leaves.
  10. Bring to a boil and reduce to a bare simmer. Cover and cook until beans are completely tender, 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours. (Older beans can take longer.)
  11. Remove lid and continue to cook, stirring occasionally, until liquid has thickened and turned creamy, about 20 minutes.
  12. If the pot starts to look dry before the stew turns creamy, add a cup of water and continue simmering. Repeat as necessary until desired level of creaminess is achieved.
  13. Discard bay leaves and thyme stems.
  14. Season to taste with hot sauce, a few teaspoons of cider vinegar (if using), and more salt and pepper.

For best texture, let cool and refrigerate overnight. Reheat the next day, adding a little water to loosen to desired consistency. In other words, the leftovers get better, just make some fresh cooked rice to go with.

Serve red beans over steamed white rice.


DIY Moisture Absorbers

Things you need:

  • Medicine Bottle (child-proof type)
  • Coffee Filters (the flat, cone type)
  • Crystal Kitty Litter
  • Ice Pick or Drill
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Medicine Bottle
Coffee Filter
Coffee Filter


  1.  Punch holes in the cap of the medicine bottle
  2. Trace the top of the bottle onto the coffee filter and cut out the circle
  3. Put the coffee filter into the cap
  4. Put a couple of plastic spoonfuls of Crystal Cat LItter (silica gel dessicant) into the bottle
  5. Close the bottle and put in storage container like camera bag, gun case, etc.

Camping Rice and Beans

NOTE: This recipe can be varied when it comes to what spices and added vegetables are on hand.  Basic beans and rice can work with a little salt and pepper.  Other spices that you like can be added to this to make it more flavorful. A cajun spice blend is perfect for rice and beans, for example.  The tomatoes, whether fresh, canned, or spicey Rotels and the canned chilies add some nutrition and flavor to the rice and beans; however, they are optional.  Other things can always be added if desired and on hand such as a small can of chicken, a few shrimp, pieces of cooked fish, even bits of beef jerky. use your imagination to add to this basic foodstuff.


  • 1/2 cup white rice
  • 1 cup chicken stock, chicken bouillion or water
  • Cooking oil oil – approximately 2 Tbsp.
  • 1 Tsp ground cumin (optional)
  • 1 small to medium onion diced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced or finely diced
  • 1 cup cooked pinto beans
  • 1 small can chopped green chilis
  • 1 small tomato, diced or small can stewed (or small can Rotel for spice)
  • Salt, as needed
  • Dash of hot sauce (optional)

Serves 2

  1. Cook the rice Cook the white rice as desired. See How to Cook Rice
  2.  Cook the aromatics and beans Meanwhile, heat a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add a few teaspoons of oil immediately add the cumin (optional spice). Stir the cumin into the oil, let it cook until fragrant (30 seconds), add the garlic and onion and stir till the onion is translucent. Add another small amount of oil, then pour in the beans. Stir and cook for 5-7 minutes, cooking off most of the liquid and letting the beans fry.
  3. Add chilies and tomatoes Add the can of chilies and tomatoes, stir, and cook for another few minutes. Salt as needed for flavor, then add in hot sauce (or cayenne) to desired level of spice.
  4. Combine and serve When the rice is done, add it to the pan of beans and stir everything together.

How to Cook Rice

Here are two standard methods for cooking rice:

Method 1 – Boiled Rice

  1. Per cup ( 8 oz / 200 g) of uncooked rice, bring to a boil in a large saucepan 2 cups (16 oz / 500 ml) of water
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of salt.
  3. Slowly pour rice in
  4. Then stir lightly, then cover the pot
  5. Reduce heat to a simmer and cook for 15 minutes

Method 2 – Par-Boil Rice

  1. Heat 1 tablespoon of fat (such as oil or butter) in a large saucepan over medium-low heat.
  2. Pour in 1 cup (8 oz / 200 g) of uncooked rice, stir around to coat, and cook until rice turns a bit transparent, about 5 minutes. (Optional: for a nuttier tasting rice, brown the kernels a bit by cooking them a bit longer until they just start to brown.)
  3. Slowly pour in 2 cups (16 oz / 500 ml) of already boiling water from the kettle, stir in 1 teaspoon of salt if desired, cover, and then cook for 15 minutes.
  • For either method:

If all the water has gone but the rice is not yet tender, add a few tablespoons of boiling water, cover and cook a bit more; if water has remained but the rice is cooked, remove cover and cook a minute or two uncovered to allow water to evaporate until the water is gone.

Miscellaneous rice cooking tips

  • Don’t stir rice while it is cooking, as stirring it will make it sticky. (Risotto is the exception: you want it sticky.)
  • The wider the mouth on your pot, the better your rice will cook.
    If you have storage space for a rice steamer, they are inexpensive, and take all the stress out of cooking rice.
  • When reheating leftover rice in a microwave, add 1 teaspoon of water per cup (150 g / 4 oz) of cooked, leftover rice.
  • To make a soup thicker, throw in a few handfuls of leftover cooked rice towards the end.

25 LBS Rice is 275 servings of cooked rice
1 Pound uncooked = 11 servings cooked