Tag: long term foods

Cooking Pinto Beans

  1. Sort beans and remove discolored beans and anything other than a bean
  2. Wash the sorted beans, put in pot, cover with water and soak for 6 hours to overnight
  3. Place on heat source and bring to a boil
  4. Let boil for 10 minutes stirring occasionally
  5. Reduce to a bare simmer, partly cover pot with lid, and cook for 1-1/2 to 2 hours
  6. Continue stirring occasionally.
  7. Make sure the beans are soft before removing from simmer

Equivalents and Measures

1 Pound Pinto Beans = 12 half-cup servings
100 servings = 8.33 pounds on pinto beans

One pound bag of dry beans = 2 cups dry beans
One pound bag of dry beans = 6 cups cooked beans, drained
One cup of dry beans = 3 cups cooked beans, drained
½ cup cooked beans, drained = 1 serving of beans
One 15-oz. can of beans = 1.75 cups cooked beans, drained
One 15-oz. can of beans = 3.5 servings of beans